Knowing God In The Word
With speaker: Nathan Johnson
“Knowing God in the Word” is for all to who seek to grow in knowledge of and love for God. It is for all with whom the Word of God is held in high esteem. In all our material, it will be assumed that the Bible is nothing less than the inspired Word of God, written through men whom He commissioned to write, and through whom He recorded His thoughts for us to read and understand. We believe that the Jesus Christ of the New Testament is the Jehovah of the Old Testament, and is the Creator of all that exists. The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to human beings, and through It we can learn of Him and His plans for us. It is for the purpose of uncovering and discovering that plan, and of getting to know the One Who is behind it, that these studies are dedicated.

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Thursday | 06:00 PM |
Saturday | 01:00 AM |