
Devotional Rhyme Talk

With Speaker : J. Luke McClellan

“Devotional Rhyme Talk” takes the “Devotional Rhyme” series from Christian Book Author, J. Luke McClellan and brings it to a verbal discussion of experiences.  From anxiety, depression and regret, to loss, suffering and ADHD, there is a myriad of struggles discussed, all ending with the same resolution: God is the answer to everything.  And while he still has his battles, he has personally made it to the other side of such suffering and you can too—all through Him.  So join Luke, and tune in to discover the all of the peace that God has in store for you.  A new life awaits.

Devotional Rhyme

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Devotional Rhyme Talk
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WBXR 1140AM/101.3FM - Huntsville, AL

Broadcast times for Devotional Rhyme Talk
Saturday 10:15 AM
*Times reflect local station times